my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

165. Vietnam photo dump (Hoi An - Day 1)

I really haven't been publishing much on Bear. I changed my identity and haven't been dropping much lore these days. I hope that my photo dump accompanied with some follow-up stories could make up for loss time :)

My Vietnam trip quickly morphed into a whirlwind of unexpected moments, yet I made some pretty nice memories. I made the trip around March and haven't really updated much ever since.

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

My first bahn mi in Vietnam!

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

In the middle of Old Town, Hoi An

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

My first egg coffee in Vietnam!

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

A quick snapshot of the storefronts in Vietnam


I really like this shop name because it reminds me of my dog. One of the touristy things you can do in Vietnam is shop for custom-made linens around the center of town.


Boats boats boats


Late night walking that evening


One of my favorite photos I took at night in Hoi An.

~ i'm filipina so i put the "hoi" in "hoi an"

<3 K
