my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

121. Updating the friend group on my dating life via PowerPoint

Often, I don't have a lot of time to update my friends on the super detailed parts of my life. I worry that I either miss out on talking to them due to timezone differences, or overshare too many things within 5 minutes, or we just don't have enough time to have a long conversation. I decided to update my long-distance friends on my dating life (the blog has a very incomplete timeline of events) via Powerpoint slide deck. Although I have a lot of things going on in my head, it seems like all of my friends are having a great time listening to my romantic stories. Actually, it seems like a lot of people (on Bear!) are having a blast and eating up all of the details on my latest posts lol.

I was inspired by Mei’s Drink, Talk, Learn. It's pretty difficult to find a time that all of my friends are available, so I sent out the presentation and waited for their hilarious feedback. I'm hoping that I can carve out time in the future to invite all of my pals in a zoom call and catch up like that. For now, I am satisfied with the asynchronous conversations.

The PowerPoint Presentation: Welcome to the Roster

I was catching up with my friend, Kazaii via email. We talked about the intricacies of modern dating and how much I do not enjoy it. Honestly, I think I'm just a bit afraid about the consequences of being vulnerable and close to the multiple people I'm "talking to" because I've spread myself out. I've decided to maybe lean into the whole "modern dating scene" because I'm just having fun at this point- I don't want to put all of my eggs in one basket and set myself up for disappointment, I guess.

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A funny comment from one of my close friends. Yup, you got it boss.


I don't want to expose any of the personal details of my dating "roster". No names are shared at all, even though I mentioned some of them in my previous posts. This is all for humor, anyway.

You can probably glean some information from these messages from my friends. The people I talked about in my PowerPoint are actually all nice people and good friends (well some of them at least). In total, I talked about 12 different people, but honestly I have 6 actual contenders (maybe). Realistically, I think I'm "romantically linked" to only 1.5 of them.

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A funny statistics slide I've included for my friends. I've included the poly couple as two different people, even though I only met the girl on my short-lived experience on a dating app. Also one week bf- that was a dating app encounter. A very positive experience all around. I will never do that again.


For the first part of the presentation, I included an overall statistics slide that mentioned

In the next part, I included the line-up. Each "player" slide includes their name, age, initial vibe, likes, pros, and cons. I am really leaning into the Gen Z aspect of this exercise.

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To elaborate, Andy Cohen is the executive producer of the Real Housewives TV series

For the most part, I've been very safe. I have a good sense of self-preservation. There have been some mishaps and flops that I've recorded under the "honorable mentions" slide. The honorable mentions include one week bf, weird doctor "friend", married poly couple, and two creepy South African dudes that I didn't really mention on the blog because they really don't need any airtime. I don't really want to include any long details about them, except for the fact that they're just... bizarre. One guy is cheating on his girlfriend and the other got punched in the face (not by me, of course). I don't condone violence, but I'm actually glad this man got decked in the face- he was awful.


At the very end of the presentation, I included an "Abby Lee Miller" dance pyramid as a visual representation of how I've "compared" the suitors with one another. This is all satire anyway. I sure hope none of these people see this post. If they do, so help me god.

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

My Abby Lee Miller dance pyramid was rather spicy.

I wish that the Bachelor or the Bachelorette has a ranking system like this for their viewers (I have never watched an episode in the Bachelor).

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The second person on the pyramid is a very recent development. He is nice, but I saw him talking to another girl, so I think he's just weighing other options. I'm prepared to play the long game. Wish me luck. I hope I like him.

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

I included this slide in my presentation


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my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

Two of my friends are laughing about my date with the poly couple. Please do not cancel me. For legal purposes, this is a joke.


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my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

My suitors are very handsome.

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

*A comment from one of my good friends in France. Translation help: mdr = lol; diapo = short for diaporama, slideshow; trop trop drôle = very very funny *


my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

A comment from my German friend who is a finance bro

For legal purposes, this is a joke. I've been pretty clear with my boundaries and expectations in my "dating life". I think it's good to joke around like this. I hope you enjoy the feedback from my friends. They're all stand-up comedians.

~ in my bachelorette era,

<3 K

#dating #friends #friendship #funny #humor #life #lol #love #personal #romance