my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

174. “The right people are timeless”

Here’s a simple truth that I think we all need to face up to: the people we meet at the wrong time are actually just the wrong people. You never meet the right people at the wrong time because the right people are timeless. / - Heidi Priebe

Sometimes when you finally connect with someone, they’re thousands of miles away from you. You grow close to someone right when they’re about to start their new chapter in their life in the other side of the world. It just feels a bit out of sync.

I found myself thinking, “if only it were another time- if we had met earlier or maybe 5 years later… distance and circumstance wouldn’t matter." And yet, here we are, feeling more than we ever expected, even though it seems impossible.

Timing always seems to be the silent force shaping our relationships. Sometimes it could be a silent assassin. I think we rarely stop to question why we give it so much power over our lives.

I believe in meeting the right people at the wrong time. We’ve all heard those stories- two people connect, life pulls them apart, and years later they find their way back to each other. I have had several family friends have that happen to them and they’re living their best lives with their partner. It happens. Life doesn’t follow a strict rulebook. Life doesn’t work in absolutes.

"So what should I do when I meet someone at the wrong time?" Great question, but here’s the truth: there’s no perfect answer. No secret formula, no magic solution, no secret sauce. Just live your life. Pragmatism is love’s killer.

Sure, the timing may seem awful- distance, career paths, life changes- but it’s only as terrible as we make it. The reality is, the right person isn’t tied to perfect timing; they’re the one who fits, no matter when or where they enter our lives.

~ time is an illusion,

<3 K
