my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

145. Six local residents abduct American (into their WhatsApp group chat)

On a Thursday, I went to go to the climbing gym. I walked into the gym alone, but walked out of the gym with 7 new phone numbers. I met 6 local Malaysians at the gym, climbed with them a bit, and they involved me in their WhatsApp group immediately. I was told that it was a "total Malaysian thing" that they have a WhatsApp group for everything. They were all cool, urban professionals in their stable lives.

They seem to have stable social lives and are so open and willing to make friends with a foreigner. One guy in the group was in the process of getting engaged to his girlfriend and everyone is happy in their respective marriages. They were happy to show the ropes (double entendre... we're in a climbing gym) to their new American friend.

I met a group of locals and 1 European guy. I was very curious about the European guy, actually. I watched him climb for a bit and heard him speak. He spoke English with such a strange accent. I found out later that he was half-French, 1 half-German. I said bonjour to him and he was happy.

I went with my new group of friends to a really nice shawarma place. Oh the spread was so beautiful, but we were so hungry that we ate everything before I got a chance to snap a photo. I was sat by a friend that I had actually met through the blues social dance. She introduced me to the rest of the group when I first walked in.

We had such a good spread of shawarma, chicken, rice... wow it was such a wonderful time.

~ friend of the world,

<3 K


  1. Everyone keeps telling me to avoid French people. I swear, guys... this is the last one (maybe 🤭). Frankly, my heart actually cannot take it anymore.

#friends #friendship #personal #social