my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

41. Scientific writing is a very different ball-field

Writing is an integral part of life, especially in the sciences. The act of scientific writing is so difficult, honestly. Writing a manuscript is so difficult because no one really has explored your data at all (hopefully!). That's generally why scientific writing is so difficult - the point is to add new knowledge to what we already know.

This is a very good article that highlights the reasons why scientific writing is a hard skill to develop. I have been searching for the words on why I'm having such a hard time writing. It gave me a whole lot of perspective.

Here's the quick check list of tips that the article provides:

General Tips for Success in Practicing the Act of Writing

  1. Adopt a growth mindset and treat writing like any other skill.
  2. Generate content or copyedit, not both simultaneously.
  3. Avoid the rabbit hole of the “perfect” citation.
  4. Don't stop in the Chasm of Despair.
  5. Set concrete goals
  6. Study your own best practices.
  7. Your network can help keep you accountable.

I've had such trouble writing scientifically, and honestly, communicating in general. It's not one of my strong suits, but I've significantly improved over the past years- in my writing, expressing my feelings, and maintaining my composure. Honestly, I've been truly held back by my insecurity. Personal feelings aside, I think I've gotten better and better, and it definitely feels good.

I think I take from my dad, who never really communicates directly. He always makes my family read in between the lines when he says certain things and it's a little frustrating. I realize that I kind of do that too. I speak in such thick metaphors that most of the time, the other person doesn't really know what I'm referring too. I have the tendency to pile layers and layers of metaphor and references in the conversation. It's a bad habit really. It's not that I don't want to be clear or communicate well... I guess it's some kind of defense mechanism?

~ a woman in stem,

<3 K


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