my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

22. Poetry challenge #1

I try to participate at a writers forum and every weekend they send us a prompt. This week’s prompt is a poetry challenge. This will be my first challenge post.

[Find as many words as you can from the following letters:

A, E, S, O, R, I, L, T

Then, write a poem! The catch: every line must include a word from the words you found.]

[1 minute timer of finding words]

isolate, realist, to, so, is, let, set, alert, i, a, stir, saltier, serial, satire, trail, arose, stare, star, list, are, its, art, east, riot, sea

In this world, we tend to isolate

A realist speaks ill of his own fate

To see the truth, we have to strive,

So let's uncover what's alive.


The clock is ticking, time is set,

Alert the mind- it won't forget.

Stir the thoughts, the ideas blend,

Let them go as we transcend.


With curious stare, we scan afar,

Wishing upon a shining star,

A list of dreams, hopes always high,

That is the spark that light our sky.


Life's flavors sweeter and saltier than before,

Through the serial moments that we explore.

Satire drips and dances in our words,

Arose laughter through the whispers unheard.


In every stroke, its own fine art,

Expressed emotions, a beating heart.

From west to east, love ignites,

I rest soundly all day and night.


Amidst chaos and riot's roar,

We find solace on a seashore,

For in the trails of human kind,

Hope's melodies are all we shall find.

To be honest, I don't like how I write like one of those pseudo-philosophical YouTube videos but c'est la vie. I wish I had better flow and knew how to write rap in real time haha. This took me a while to think of.

~ a former dr. seuss apprentice (becoming overly 2deep4u),

<3 K


#life #poem #poetry #writing