my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

14. [OOMFH] Snowboarding: The Chairlift Chronicles

Some of my friends would call me an 'adrenaline junkie', but I disagree. I refuse to take up that title. I actually don't think of myself as a "junkie" per se, perhaps an adrenaline "sampler"? I enjoy doing (extreme) sports. Of course, I appreciate the thrill of the ascent (climbing), the joys of the winds going through my hair (snowboarding), the sights and scenic views of nature (canyoneering/hiking/caving). But I really don't think I'm that much of a daredevil "specialist". I don't seek the highs all the time... I'm actually very afraid of heights (but I climb so often)

Extreme sports though- all good fun. ☺️

A great friend of mine from high school and I decided to go snowboarding when I first came back to the US. Snow was one of the things I missed.

Unlike me, my dear friend is an actual adrenaline junkie (he had told me this once before). We drove 2ish hours with one of my buddies from undergrad, who's a really avid boarder and knows pretty much everyone in the community. We were in good hands. The 3 of us went up to Lee Canyon, near Las Vegas on a nice December day.

I've gone snowboarding many times before, but I haven't been back for 3+ years, so I was a little rusty. My friend, was actually super green to the sport. He actually has never done any snowboarding in his entire life. I was super surprised!

We went together for his first time and ever since then, I got my friend hooked on the sport (here's his YouTube channel, doing his thang. he's great!)

When you're at the slopes, you're going to see some typical bro behavior, which you'll find really interesting. You'll probably meet a couple of snowboarders at the parking lot and share some gnarly stories about the coolest slopes they've been to, share some baked beans that they cooked in a portable stove (as well as a joint or a swig of whiskey- take some of the whiskey, you'll feel a lil warmer in the cold), pet the cute dogs they bring to the mountains, etc. You're part of this club of snowboarders, you're part of this league, you're with your friends. It's a very wholesome affair. Then suddenly, you walk into the park, strap on your boots, and head to the chairlift/gondola/ski lift to make your way to your first hill!

The chairlift is a sacred place. I watched this short docu on YouTube called "The Chairlift: Bringing Skiers Together in Ways Nothing Else Can | Salomon Freeski" It's a delightful short film about the most common skier/snowboarder experience- the chairlift conversation.

"Though often overlooked and under appreciated, the chairlift may be the single greatest invention in the history of modern skiing. This a celebration of the device that brings skiers together in a way that nothing else can."

You have this completely individualistic experience when you're descending down the slopes. Wind in your hair, the cold biting at your fingers, your muscles aching every time you turn. You've made it down the mountain! Now let's go again. At the very bottom of the mountain, you get on this contraption and ride back up to the top- sometimes alone, sometimes with your friends, sometimes with a stranger. It's a really nice ride up while you sit on the chair and dangle your feet above the hills.

Sometimes you get the most interesting people on your lift.

My friend told me that one time, he was on the lift and he met this kid who had like 4 life threatening hospital visits/surgeries, but he's still going down the slopes like a badass.

I was on a lift with one of the most cheerful grandpas I've ever met. He was originally from Argentina and went to live with his wife in the US. He was still super fit at his age, and had a delightful accent whenever he would talk about his memories from his past.

These skiers/snowboarders are super passionate, the best kind of humans. They will tell you the most amazing life stories. Chairlift stories are one of the best things I've ever heard in my life. It's like a mini podcast episode for just us, but just in this chairlift. People are kind. People are brave. People are just peopling.

Chairlift stories are just a little experience that you get before you're all alone on that mountain, slippin' and slidin' and shredding the gnar.

How to get off of the chairlift

It’s all about the front foot! Also, look in the direction you want to go.

Make sure you have more pressure on the front foot when leaving the chair lift. Put the back foot down; however, you’re still leaning towards the front foot. When turning use your front foot to lean heel side or toe side and your back foot will follow.

When you’re starting out, just focus on going straight. If you’re on the lift with other people just give them a heads up that you’re new. They will usually try to get off first to give you plenty of room to crash and burn, just in case. Also, if you signal, a good lifty will slow it down for you.

~ the girl who's unphased by devastating seasonal allergies because she's been crying for three years,

<3 K


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