my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

51. On being independent

I thought it would be a very fitting topic since it’s America’s birthday or something lol.

on being independent

independent (adj.): free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority.

My parents raised me pretty independently I’d say. I’m not hopeless by myself. I’m able to travel to different places alone when I was a kid. I lived all by myself in a different country during the pandemic for two and a half years. I love solo traveling.

When you enter life as an independent person, you set an expectation that you have it all figured out. You feel like nothing can touch you... But, honestly, life will unapologetically put you in check.

I did not like independence as much as I did when I first became an adult. But when you live an independent life, it’s really only about overcoming the struggles that make you stronger and you don’t have to do it alone.

I had the biggest reality check this year. The past few years, I really was operating off of fear and anxiety of the unknown. I really don’t want to live that way anymore. I have to take responsibility for myself and honestly, it feels good to do things yourself. I learned that people aren’t going to turn you down and it’s okay to ask for help.

Part of being independent is growing in every and any aspect of your life that you want.

Being an adult sucks, but we must strong and courageous and continue through life with a good head on our shoulders, looking up and looking forward.

As cheesy as that advice is, it really brings me comfort.

How to be an independent person

1.) Learn more about yourself: I had a difficult time trying to figure myself out over the years. The first step really should be: what do you want? what do you like? what do you need? If you’re consumed with the idea of what other people think or want, you’ll never gain true autonomy.

2.) Don’t be afraid to ask for help- We all rely on others to some extent--there’s nothing wrong with needing others. Leaning on people for support is part of being human.

3.) Uncover what’s holding you back- Sometimes, past experiences in life can keep you from moving forward in a way that aligns with your values and goals. There can also be other factors in your life that leave you feeling more reliant on others than you want to be. I found this out for myself- sometimes it’s just me holding myself back.

Happy Fourth of July 🇺🇸

~ independent woman as destiny’s child would say,

<3 K


#directives #life #onbeing #personal #thoughts #writing