my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

30. On being consistent

I almost didn't write today, but just remembered in the nick of time. I created a notification on my calendar and it's always a 15 minute window. Sometimes I miss it because, well, I'm human. I'm just busy sometimes.

Recently, I asked my friends about what is the thing you're looking for in a partner/friend/whatever close relationship. Over the years, we've said many various answers that range from "nice smile" to "honesty." The answer that struck me the most was actually, "consistency." And honestly I agree.

My friend went into detail with her answer, "Consistency is the number 1 thing I look for in a partner. When you make a plan, they show up. When you're not together, you try to keep in contact. It's really that simple."

Consistency is key in every relationship. Even the relationship to yourself. Often times, I try to fixate myself on a goal and follow through with it, but I honestly fall flat. I always feel down about myself and give up completely. But I've been trying to turn myself around and get back on the "grind." As much as I hate the word, "grind." It's fun how I'm on "it" heh.

The common story goes like this and I think everyone has similar experiences:

Whatever the case is, your motivation starts off at an all-time high. You crush the first few days and don’t slip up once. You’re on the path towards consistency and re-shaping your identity.

But something happens around the one week mark (well, in the case for myself for writing- it's the one month mark). The motivation wave that you've been riding is no longer there to make action easier. The new behaviors we committed to feel like chores that we have to force ourselves to do.

You start falling flat and missing days. Those missed days lead to more missed days, and motivation plummets. But once this initial high wears off, the motivation goes with it. When I pull out my computer to write a blog post or put on my workout clothes, it feels like something I have to do as opposed to something I want to do.

What you wanna do isn't necessarily what you're gonna do -Gia Gunn

I want to implement consistent practices in my life. The key to consistency is setting and achieving specific small tiny goals. Start by determining how you want to be more consistent in your life, and aim for these small goals.

This writing thing is the best place to start. Good night everyone. Happy 30th blog post to me! Yay!

~ a bird woman of Alcatraz,

<3 K


#directives #life #onbeing #personal #thoughts #writing