my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

38. My incomplete piece of writing from high school

I found this incomplete piece of writing while I was organizing my files that was over a decade year old. The revision history on the Google Doc shows:

June 12, 2012, 10:59 AM

The bleared indistinct visions shook him awake as a dainty leaf floated down, dancing above his mangy dark hair. He didn’t know where he was, or where he came from when he woke up with his back against the coarse bark of a tree. The young man stood up, brushing the dirt off of his bedraggled garb.

He stepped over the rotting tree stump that sat between him and the clearing in front of him. The forest around him was unnervingly still; even the wind had abandoned it, leaving the leaves to hang green and lifeless on limbs

The grass muffled his light steps as he made his way through the remaining foliage and into the clearing. He slowly spun in a full circle, taking in his surroundings. The sun was directly above him now, and he brought his hand to shade the eyes from its violent rays.

There’s nothing left to do. Just wait.

Maybe I'll continue this later...?

~ a moleskin notebook with only the first 3 pages written in it,

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