my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

172. I had a dream about you

The message was simple: “I had a dream about you.” In my opinion, one of the sweetest things you can say to a person, followed up by something sentimental, absurd, or just plain disturbing.

This time, it was actually followed up by, “…Well I don’t remember much but we got hitched. Seemed like the right idea.”

My heart didn’t skip a beat, but I couldn’t help but smile. I have always thought that dreams have a way of drumming up the past, tying together old memories with bits of our subconscious. This was the kind of thing that could lead to a nice moment of reconnection, or an awkward ”thanks for letting me know.”

Surely, it wasn’t overly dramatic or romantic. Just two people enjoying each other’s company in that familiar, comforting way.

Sometimes dreams remind us of what was good, even if it wasn’t meant to be. They’re postcards from a past life- a plea of a “wish you were here,” far from any sense of urgency - but just letting you know “it was once beautiful.”

In all honesty, there’s something heartwarming in knowing that I wandered in someone’s dream- that even in the complex landscape of someone’s subconscious thoughts- there’s a place for me.

I just simply responded with, “It’s nice to know that I’m sweet enough to dream about. The food at the reception must have been good.”

~ dreams by fleetwood mac,

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