my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

44. Coffee is ambrosia

I never really liked coffee until recently? I remember when I was 19 years old, I had an 18-hour layover in Montreal and decided to take the train from the airport and sat myself down in a little cafe in the city. I was a little nervous trying to order a large café in French for the first time in my life (I would often brew it at home, but never ordered in a coffee shop until that moment lol), but I managed to communicate what I wanted and even hit the waitress with a "s'il vous plaît" as she rolled her eyes at my thick North American accent. I sat in that little outdoor cafe and stared at my small cup of coffee with a little cream and sugar.

"Oh yeah, I'm supposed to enjoy this?" I think because I was just a teenager and didn't really get used to the taste. It was super bitter and I "watered" it down with the cream and sugar. It was tolerable then? I had to enjoy my croissant and butter with a cup of bean water (because when in Rome, oops- Montreal?) before I explored the downtown by myself. It's the Quebecois way after all.

It wasn't until my later years of university is when I started to actually enjoy the taste of coffee. I think my tastebuds had to mature a bit more to actually enjoy the taste of coffee, alcohol, kimchi, etc. Honestly, I saw my friends and family get hooked on coffee and for some reason it really deterred me from enjoying. I remember a very distinct memory during my childhood, my mom woke up in the morning at my uncle's house and my dad took one look at my mom and was like, "oof you need the coffee IV?" while my uncle was making the "coffee ambrosia". He had this super complicated bean grinder and coffee drip contraption. I was fascinated about the art of coffee making, but I wasn't hooked on the bean-water ya know?

I was super worried about trying to not get addicted to coffee, but I was very curious about coffee. I decided to get a job as a barista when I was 21. I really enjoy making it for people. They usually perk up after I deliver them their coffee order and gulp it all up. Honestly yeah- It's a little weird how coffee dependent adults are? I don't really like how there are just shirts that say "don't talk to me until I had my coffee" (most likely in cursive pink lettering). Caffeine has addictive properties that may lead to physical dependence right? Like... girl, that's drug addiction lol.

I am very fascinated with the art of coffee making though. It's actually been a dream of mine to produce my own beans and make my own coffee shop. I don't know if that dream will come to fruition... I would like to put in the work to do that. I'll mull it over later.

To be honest, I kind of just stick to green tea, but I love having a café au lait with friends or by myself when I'm working in a coffee shop.

~ a matcha luvr,

<3 K
