my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

142. Being an unintentional homewrecker during afternoon tea

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon when I was sitting at a cafe. I was working on some things and trying to write again. I haven't had much time to write and it makes me a bit sad.

I was feeling like I wanted my stuff back. The guy I had been previously seeing last month, still had my nice quality bath towel and a couple of hair accessories at his place. I mustered up the courage and told myself that I would text him - but only if I get a sign from the universe (cliché and terrible I know...). Someone is writing my damn life because I did get my sign from the universe:

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

This is a text from German Guy, who texted me a photo of his breakfast that morning. I sighed. I know I have to be accountable now. I made a promise to myself and the universe is responding to my pleas. I had to text the guy for my damn stuff back.


Chicago DJ had asked if he could visit me and I said, sure why not. I didn't mind having company while I work and write. I wasn't planning on making a lot of conversation while in the quietest coffee I have ever been to. CD was late to our meeting. He told me that he had something very important to share. Oh man, don't be in love with me. I sat up with my tea.

"I have something that I have to confess to you... I have a girlfriend back in Chicago..."

"So you cheated on your girlfriend?"

"Well, errr we had a uhhh open thing, but we didn't talk about this yet..."

"So you cheated on your girlfriend."

Man was literally stumbling over his words. Then I had really long laughing fit.

"Why are you laughing at me? Aren't you upset?"

"I'm not going to yell at you, your girlfriend is going to do that for me."

I guess my laugh was too derisive and manic because he told me to stop. I told him to take a walk. I looked down and I saw a text message from the French guy.

"Yeah, can you swing by around 10PM?"

My day couldn't get any worse. I guess I wanted to see how worse this day could go. Such terrible red flags happening all at once. It's like seeing all of these red lights, but wearing rose-tinted sunglasses.

So I said,

"Sure, 10PM is fine"

I went and got my stuff from him, but I had to wash the other guy's taste out of my mouth with the guy who's been keeping my fabulous bath towel in captivity. I felt horrible about that, but it’s whatever now... He didn't even wash my towel and it has been sitting at his apartment for over 3 weeks at this point.

I received the following texts:

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

I think boys are just so silly sometimes

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

That night, I cried a little bit, not for the horrible guys, not for me, but for that poor girlfriend. I vented to my friends in the wee hours of the morning. They reassured me that it wasn't my fault. It really wasn't my fault. I gave him many opportunities to stop and think about what we're doing.

I just felt bad. I need a vacation.

~ an unintentional homewrecker,

<3 K
