my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

12. Being a "Zillennial" or the Gen Z Millennial: the limbo generation

People are hardwired to sort things into boxes. Humans take the time to organize the mess of data and information right before our eyes and simplify them to make sense of the world. However, I do not like to categorize people. That's just a crazy concept to me.

For a categorization to have value, two things must be true:

First, it must be valid. You can’t just arbitrarily divide a homogeneous group. As Plato put it, valid categories “carve nature at its joints”- as with snakes and sticks.

Second, it must be useful. The categories must behave differently in some way you care about. It’s useful to differentiate snakes from sticks, because that will help you survive a walk in the woods.

One of the worse things that humans came up with is this "generationology" concept. There's a subreddit called r/generationology where they discuss the history, statistics, and trends of certain generations. One of the most polarizing things on that subreddit is the cusp between the Gen Z and Millennial generations. Based on the criteria above, I personally think this categorization is invalid and useless. To me, it's just another way to divide people even further, allowing people to develop a "back in my day" mentality and make the younger generations feel inferior if they can't relate to them. This is sorta like... gatekeeping right? I know, I'm being grumpy. yet... Okay, sure, categorizing by age groups/generations is fine. It holds some truth. I still stand by my claim of "separating by generation" is dumb and silly (well, maybe it's easier for companies to market towards certain demographics like this), but it's kinda fun.

According to the majority of users, I belong in the cusp based on my birth year. This cusp label is totally on-brand for me (a very in-between individual that can go in between cracks and masquerade as anyone? that's so enticing!); however, this such a stupid label- "Zillennial? Gen Zillennial? Cusp?" what?? So silly.

About 10 years ago, the "cusp" people were all labeled as "millennials", until this label was ripped out of our hearts a few years ago. I was personally blindsided and lost at first. I really thought I was a Millennial? I'm actually Gen Z? First of all, what does that even mean?

I found out more, I started to get some mental anguish as I was being suddenly grouped into a new generation I couldn't really relate to at its core (I'm way too old for some of the slang and the problems). How am I suddenly a Gen Z now? I looked back at the Millennials- I also didn't relate to them that much (apparently I am very green to the Millennial experience?).

After discovering the term "Zillennial" I rolled my eyes. I can't believe it. Okay, this term really brought some clarity, but I can't believe humans have the insistent need to categorize again and again (Why am I complaining, I am a scientist lol). The people around my age (a conservative range I would say is from 1993-1999? although, the majority of Zillennials, I would say, belong to a narrow range of the years 1996-1999. These are outliers- the oldest year being 1991, the latest being 2002) and I were ruthlessly split down the middle. You're too young, you're too old. Where do we belong?

I'll take it though. Zillennials are micro-generation born on the cusp of Millennial and Gen Z demographic cohorts. Being a ‘Zillennial’ is strange because the spectrum is so wide. On one side I have friends that have children, are married, and successfully building their career. On the other, there are friends that are okay with the fact they are still figuring out what’s right for them.

I found a "community" where I relate a lot more to rather than the other two. I had an analog and digital childhood and I'm not afraid to admit it and embrace it now.

*here's a (exhaustive) list of totally Zillennial things below (please note that I am American- though I would like to be as universal as possible) *

  1. Just Dance (the video game and the Lady Gaga song)
  2. Using a dial-up and then using WiFi
  3. Nokia or flip phone and then SmartPhone
  4. Habbo Hotel
  5. YikYak (American)
  6. The Drake era, "swag", and "yolo"
  7. Facebook as a pre-teen or high schooler
  8. Digimon
  9. Pokemon
  10. VCR to DVD to Blu-Ray to Netflix
  11. Webkinz (I took my animals to school lol)
  12. Club Penguin
  13. Adventure Quest
  14. RuneScape
  15. The era of online flash games in general (freemathgames)
  16. Good kids shows from:

Fun fact: I fondly remember watching The Wiggles, Bananas in Pajamas, Hi-Five, Koala Brothers, The Upside-Down Show, Cyberchase, and H2O: Just Add Water because I only had access to Australian kids shows in my early childhood.

  1. Nintendo DS
  2. Knowing what an Ethernet cord is and how it connects to the modem
  3. Portable video players
  4. Skype
  5. Emo scene kids
  6. Carrying an actual rectangle-shaped digital camera
  7. Skinny jeans
  8. End of MySpace
  9. Converse
  10. Alternating nail polish or cracked nail polish
  11. AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
  12. Formspring
  13. PS2
  14. Wii
  15. Robots (2005)
  16. Experiencing one's childhood throughout the entirety of the 2000's
  17. The plastic shutter shade glasses that Kanye wore
  18. Tumblr
  19. Vine (the heyday was in middle school and high school)
  20. Tapes
  21. Remembering weird trends like: the weird duct tape craze from 2010 - 2012; bacon mania; the Harlem Shake
  22. Buzzfeed quizzes
  23. NOW CD's
  24. The Crazy Frog ringtone
  25. Furbies
  26. Groovy chick
  27. The Twilight saga
  28. (from English speaking countries)
  1. Silly bandz

  2. Polly Pocket, Pixel Chix, and My Scene dolls

  3. Learning to do Microsoft Office at school

  4. Walkman to MP3 player to iPod Nano

  5. Had a family computer at home

  6. Witnessed the "Rise of YouTube" in real time and the content creator monetization

  7. Shopped at Limited Too before it became Justice.

  8. Vaguely remember 9/11, but don't have an elaborate "where were you" story because you were too young (Apparently I was at Disneyland and my parents told me I was upset that the parks were closed... yikes..)

  9. Burned mixed CD's

  10. Napster and limewire

  11. Was taught how to write cursive, but never really used it that much

  12. Tamagotchis

  13. Played CD-ROM games (Freddi Fish, Putt-Putt, Spy Fox, Pajama Sam)

  14. Drew on Microsoft Paint for fun

  15. Used Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 in school

  16. Spent a majority of your childhood playing outside and a majority of your teen years behind a screen.

  17. Manually rolled up car windows as a kid before electric windows were a standard thing.

  18. Moon shoes

  19. Razor RipStik

  20. McDonald's happy meals toys

  21. Blackberry phones

  22. Instagram's Valencia filter

  23. Forever 21, Topshop, New Look and American Apparel

  24. Justin Bieber

  25. Snapchat

  26. Maplestory

  27. AMV's

  28. Experiencing Blockbuster before it was closed

  29. "Taylor Swift" (2006) then "Fearless" (2008) then "Speak Now" (2010) then Red (2012) then "1989" (2014)

  30. John Green books

  31. Side parting your hair but also middle parting your hair

  32. Harry Potter

  33. F.R.I.E.N.D.S

  34. The rise of #hashtags

  35. American Idol

  36. Dream Life (a video game)

  37. Birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese

  38. Climate change

  39. Avocado toast

  40. Selfie sticks

  41. Ombré hair

  42. Nobody wants to listen to your opinions because older millennials think you’re too young while the younger generation thinks you’re too old and won’t take your advice

  43. Social media comes more naturally, even though you grew up with a flip phone like millennials

  44. Being generally open-minded and idealistic, but also stay in-group and loyal to you lifestyle and culture

  45. Lives with parents/family; or with a partner; or with roommates; or you're living alone.

  46. Receiving Farmville requests from your mom on Facebook

  47. Participating in the 2016 voting election

  48. Saying that you don't understand TikTok, but you actually do

  49. Have the same general cynicism and distrust of institutions that Gen Z touts so proudly… but not teenagers, so we can’t exactly blame it on teen angst.

  50. Using the laughing emoji 😂

  51. IMVU

  52. Gaia Online

  53. World of Warcraft

  54. The transition from Sim 1 to Sims 2 to Sims 3 (let's not talk about Sims 4)

  55. General feeling of being terribly lost and confused, but generally optimistic And lastly,

  56. Being called Gen Z by the millennials, but a millennial by the Gen Zers

Zillennial: Growing up in the transition of Millennials to Gen Z, but being the scapegoat for the cringe of both generations

Honestly, finding a date to divide generations is completely arbitrary. Time is a continuum and our experiences can differ so much regardless of when we are born.

Making this list was kinda fun for me, though. Very Buzzfeed-core. I feel like I should add more. Also this list is very "American". I'm wondering what international Zillennials had in their respective countries. I am very curious.

~ the worst result ever on a "what dog are you based on your lifestyle choices" personality test,

<3 K


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