my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

2. AI taking over the world and blogging realm

Exploring this blogspace... I stumbled upon Herman's latest post (26 Apr, 2023) Will AI kill blogging?. I do agree with a lot of his points.

So overall, the difference between human-generated and AI-generated media is the source of the creativity and originality. While humans draw upon our own unique experiences and perspectives to create our content, AI systems are limited to the patterns and structures that they have been trained on. The humans have to input 'training sets' for the AI to read and process and their outputs are usually a result of the trends that they can "see" or detect.

But wow, is this the future? We truly are living in it, right? We don't need blogs anymore, right? These things will be reproduced by AI. Nobody actually cares about our thoughts or feelings?

Well sure. I was talking about this blog with a friend of mine and he stated that all blogs can be completely taken over by AI. I felt a little discouraged actually. (I was discouraged by the fact that the first thing he said to me was that our AI Overlords are going to make blogging "obsolete", not that he was discouraging me about my new-found hobby... I am merely saying this just as a clarification because he will be upset that I made him seem unsupportive and dumb!)

We had a little back and forth argument on a call for good hour actually!

"Kayla, you see, you're literally constructing a data mine1 for the AI to scrape and can literally output a fake clone of you and how you perceive things. Isn't that crazy?"

Of course, I retorted back in that argument with full force, tinged with metaphor and bite,

"Okay. This whole AI is going to make a clone of me spiel... It's like that Spongebob vs. King Neptune episode where King Neptune makes a 1000 Krabby Patties while Spongebob makes the one2."


"And Neptune tasted Spongebob's Krabby Patty and it was the most delicious thing he has ever eaten."

He was a bit confused, honestly not going to lie. That comparison is a bit of a stretch. I was thinking along the lines of: look at the 1000 Krabby Patties- they will never amount to the heart and soul of the 1 singular Krabby Patty that Spongebob made with such passion and dedication. The same can be said for all artistic passion projects. I feel like AI can be an essential tool to help humans, but I feel like it is still far from being an actual carbon copy of a person (This opinion may change as the near future approaches).

Look... I just wanna write. I wanna put my thoughts down. I wanna be consistent about it, too. This is a cute format and I'm always on the computer, right? So I just want to leave a little mark on society that isn't just on a eulogy or tombstone (too dark? sorry... heh fun fact, I dated a mortician. More on that later maybe?)

When you input a command onto ChatGPT, there really isn’t a lot of feeling or personality. I really don't think that an AI can replace my charming voice, can it? A good friend of mine told me the other day that “[AI] seems like a fad”. He said to me: "Think of how many times we thought tech would make things obsolescent and to some extent, they did. But [people] just adapted."

Yeah, yeah. I was just upset in this argument. I told my friend that I was disappointed that he mostly focused on the negatives of the situation and didn’t initially care that I was starting a creative project. I didn't even bring up the concept of "AI" until he did. Well, he's a tech guy so what can I expect? So yea, we tussled for a bit, but eventually kissed and made up like all friends do. Hehe, I "threatened" him by shouting,

"WOW. Okay, don't piss me off. Or you're going in the blog!" 😠

"NO! You're going to make the AI Overlords turn against me if they see you write that about me. I swear to god I'm not being unsupportive of your new hobby... just realistic." 😞


”What? Do you want me to suck your ass or tell you the truth?”

In my head, I was thinking: maybe you just gotta work on your tact?

I have to note- he did say something nice at the end though. "Your blog honestly... It adds more purity to the form of media that you're using and that expressive digestion of feelings is very creative. Keep at it."

[And my dear friend in Belgium... if you're reading this, I had to get a clear audit of the situation here. You are not the villain in this story at all, just a guy trying to be the 'devil's advocate' and I appreciate it.]

I leave you guys with this unfinished thought- I wish I had the budget and time for a nice camera, a good film crew, and interesting actors to develop this idea, but unfortunately it is just a budding “short film” story that I would love to write.

~ With a bit of honey and some jam,

<3 K


Definitions and Links

  1. data mine = the process of uncovering patterns and other valuable information from large data sets

  2. Spongebob vs. Neptune YouTube clip

  3. Ex Machina (2014)

  4. Her (2013)

  5. Ingrid Goes West (2017)

  6. Not Okay (2022)

  7. Nerve (2016)

#2023 #AI #discussion #friend #future #may 2023 #tech #thoughts #writing