my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

163. A random steak craving

When I lived with my parents, my mom would cook at home all the time. During special events, whether it be a birthday or a graduation, my mom would ask me and my siblings what we'd like to eat for dinner on that day. One of the best things she served us was a medium rare steak. She would cook rice, mashed potatoes, and stir-fry vegetables. She used my Japanese-American grandmother's marinade recipe (I'll write it below). I always love a good steak.

I haven't eaten steak in a while. It's been several months. I've eaten beef recently, like... I had a hamburger on Tuesday. I just haven't had a grilled steak in a long while. I quite miss it.

Around 6:30-ish evening time, I was tip-tapping away on my phone, talking to my friend in Australia. She is living her best life in Perth, opening a landscaping business and flourishing after her rough break-up with such a lousy man. I'm very proud of how far she's come.

Today, she had told me that she has four boyfriends on rotation. I must admit, I am just mildly jealous about that four boyfriends part. But in all honesty, I think I would find it rather emotionally exhausting to juggle that many romantic interests (oh wait, perhaps I've done that already), but she had assured me that she never really talks to them.

Our conversation went a little like this:

"I want a steak." I say to her, although I'm not really celebrating anything in particular. Perhaps, just a happy Friday?

I ask her another question, "would you get a tinder just to go on a date so you can get a steak lol"

She hastily replied back, "that's the smartest thing I've heard this year. DO IT. What if they wanna split though?"

"I mean, uhhh.. I'll buy two rounds of drinks?" Indeed, a steak dinner is pretty expensive....

"FFF. I would buy you a steak <3"

"Save your money for your business, lady." then I decided to order groceries instead and stay inside and watch a movie.

I'll publish this now and update it when I attempt to cook my steak today.

[edit 9:20 PM, Friday night]

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

I spent about 27RM for the steak, 20RM for the vegetables, and it took about 1 hour to marinade and cook everything.

My dinner was about 47RM (which is $10.03USD or 9,24 Euros)

Steak marinade

that's it...

~ a fan of steakhouses,

<3 K
