my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

28. Bought new notebooks!

I’ve been a bit busy these days in trying to get my shit together. As for my one blog post (daily journal!) type of thing going on, I'm still on a streak! It's actually fantastic. I'm really proud of myself for posting something everyday, even if it's a bit dull. I don't think every day has to be an inspiring day, let alone a good day. Sometimes days could be normal. Days could be dull. Days could be terrible. “Everyone likes happiness, no one likes pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.” I don't know who to credit this quote to... Ingmar Bermgman or Dolly Parton? Who knows. I really like it and it holds a lot of truth.

Went to the store and got a new ink pen and these soft ring binders (I prefer them better because I can easily rip pages out of it if I need to!)

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

I'm starting this book to practice my kanji a little bit better. I can recognize most of these kanji but I want to be able to write them.

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

~ a market woman of the Serengeti,

<3 K


#haul #life #personal #shopping #thoughts #writing